30 Minutes a Day

30 Minutes a Day


SIGN UP to receive your free downloadable calendar plus bonus content 

Get a daily video link, a PDF program guide and a print-friendly calendar along with Devi's tips and insights.

Cost: FREE - tell your friends!
Where: The DDY YouTube Channel & DDY Studio


Discover the healing power of Yin Yoga

Immerse in a daily yin yoga practice for a full month, dedicated to slowing down for 30 minutes each day. The practices will help alleviate stress and tension while gently stretching the body's deep fascia and connective tissues.

Each day, an easy-to-follow 30 minute video will be posted. The classes will include stretching, relaxation and breathing techniques to help you unwind and recalibrate energy.

Your flexibility will increase noticeably from day to day. You'll also experience improved joint health, heightened body awareness, and a sense of balance and relaxation in both body and mind.

You don’t need to be super flexible and you don’t need to have experience with yin. The first week's classes will be beginner-friendly, and the sequences will build and deepen as the challenge goes along. 

Let’s get ready to unwind, stretch it out, and take some time for ourselves. Sign up to receive a program calendar and daily video links, along with some bonus insights and guidance to enhance your practice.


Sign up below to receive your free downloadable calendar plus bonus content



It's not about how it looks. It's all about how it feels.

The Yin Studio
Teacher Training